Jun 13Liked by Ragged Clown

You know what Ragged.......you know which way is Up! (and it's not the dollar sign way)

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

There's a Dr Who episode, Turn Left, where Donna Noble goes back in time and has a second choice to decide whether to turn left or right at a road junction. The second time around she turns right to get a better job and her life goes to crap.

My life turned out OK so I think I turned the right way.

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Jun 13Liked by Ragged Clown

It's making moral choices isn't it? I often think (because I read tarot cards and have a cosmic bollocks view of life) that it's like the Devil card in the tarot deck: a path or choice may be very tempting, but the most tempting ones of all can be the ones that head downwards very quickly once you're around the bend. Difficult choices are a test and if you make the morally upright choice you will always eventually find reward that is valuable to YOU.

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bs title and you know it

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I like it!

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